Mediterranean Diet and Snacks That Don't Make You Fat
Snacks and snack food have always played an important part in American food culture. Frozen treats like ice creams, candy and chocolate, sweet snacks, chips and salted snack, nuts, crackers, cookies and even small cakes – you name it, typical American will it for snack. Americans really enjoy their snacks which are produced to be inexpensive, accessible, easy to eat and durable. But not healthy. And fattening.
If you snack all the time and have an overweight problem, the easiest answer would be: try cutting out of the snacks to see what helps. But that’s easier said than done, isn’t it? So, what to do if you can’t go about your day without snacks?
Luckily, there is another solution. HEALTHY snacks. It's not about avoiding snacks; it's about choosing the right ones! If you consume chips, salted snacks, cookies and small cakes of course this snacks will make you fat! It is much better if you opt for fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains or some low fat dairy products (yogurt), because these snacks can contribute to a healthy diet.
Here are some of the best picks:
Low fat dairy products. Yogurt, cheese and other dairy products are full of calcium and protein, minerals and vitamins. Just be sure to choose the low fat versions of dairy products.
Nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds provide your body with proteins; they are high in monounsaturated fat – a healthy kind of fat! Seeds and nuts are high in calories so don’t eat large quantities.
Whole grains. Rich in fiber and will give you a lot of energy. Choose whole grain pretzels, crisp breads or low fat crackers
Fruits and vegetables. Great source of vitamins, fibers and minerals, fruits and vegetables have no fat and only a small amount of calories, which makes them excellent snack food.
Although consuming these snacks instead of your regular snacks can contribute to a healthy diet, even these snacks can also be a source of excess calories if not eaten in moderation!
Changing just your snacks will have a positive effect on your health, but will not be enough if your goal is to lose some extra weight. Keys to longer, healthier life are regular exercise and improvements in your diet, which can be easily achieved following Mediterranean Diet Weight Loss Plan.
Have you ever tried any Mediterranean snacks or diets? What would you recommend to others?
Source: Healthkicker.com