I am so tired of all those psuedo weight loss programs and drug pushers who thrive on making money off the fat and tears of the suffering. Come on people, CUT THE BULL and we can work together on the rest.
Obesity (Oh how I hate that word) is a serious health issue. Individuals seeking weight loss advice should contact a medical doctor.
Lesbian Lexicon - The Next Big Thing
The internet seems to be buzzing with the promise of a new wonder diet pill by the name of QNEXA. The thing is, there have been plenty of other diet pills, many of which involve dangerous side effects ad have been involved in costly lawsuits. So, how is the QNEXA diet pill any different, or is it just another addition to the large pile of empty promises and drug companies filling their boots.
According to a little reasearch, Qnexa is a combination of two approved prescription drugs. One is a diet drug and the other is for migraine relief.
Aside from QNEXA, two other Diet Pills are being investigated. Lorcaserin Hydrochloride works on your brain chemistry and Contrave, is a combination of two drugs used as anti-depressants and to fight alcohol addiction.
"This is an exciting time because we have an epidemic of obesity and we have very few options for treatment available. The expected weight loss with these type of drugs would be 10 percent of the initial weight. By controlling impulse control, by controlling compulsiveness, we have a patient who has difficulty staying on the diet because it's hard with the hunger and the habit. So these drugs in theory will address those issues and hopefully will have better results." said Dr. Jorge Vazquez of Allegheny General Hospital.
Now here is the kicker, although Vazquez believes the direction these drugs are going could make a dent in the obesity epidemic QNEXA and its' counterparts are not the be all and end all in weight loss. "There's a diet component and an exercise component, so these drugs are not designed to be used alone. They are designed to be used with behavior modification and an exercise program," says Vazquez. So for those of you thinking you can sit on your ass, pop a few pills and burn off the weight, think again.
QNEXA and its' counterparts are simply designed to give you the will to stop gorging, if that is in fact your problem. If, on the other hand, you already have control of your eating and you still cannot loose weight, you may want to look at some sort of exercise program. The key is boosting your metabolic rate so your body is abole to burn off the excess fat. Vazquez is also concerned that some people may try to misuse the drugs if they only need to lose 5 pounds. And don't ask your doctor for them now. It will be at least a year before any of those drugs hit the market.
There seems to be a new diet out there called the DR. SIEGAL COOKIE DIET. Apparently you can eat 6 cookies and a dinner a day and loose weight. The math works, I just wonder how healthy 6 cookies as your meals throughout the day is. Whatever happened to Breakfast being the most important meal of the day. On the Cookie Diet, your breakfast is a cookie.
Can You Shed Pounds on the Cookie Diet?
Developer Swears by Decades of Results, Other Docs Warn of Nutritional Hazards By ELISABETH LEAMY, VANESSA WEBER and JESSICA HOFFMAN
At 28 years old and 240 pounds, Josie Raper knew she had to make a change to live a healthier life.
"It's not so easy for me," Raper of Gilbert, Ariz., told "Good Morning America."
"I would rather eat cupcakes than eat veggies and go to the gym."
After trying dozens of pills and programs that didn't work, she found Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet online. Six months later, her size 24 frame was down to a 6.
"When I started the Cookie Diet, there was no splurging or sneaking little snacks," Raper said. "I was very strict and, to make sure that I could stay on the diet, I started the Monday of Thanksgiving so I got through every single holiday without snacking or caving in to my cravings." Her success story landed her on the cover of People magazine.
Celebrities such as Denise Richards, Jennifer Hudson and Kelly Clarkson also reportedly tried the Cookie Diet.
Here's how it works: You eat six specially developed diet cookies with water throughout the day, not as set meals but whenever you feel hungry. Then you eat an approximately 500-calorie dinner of lean protein and vegetables.
Dr. Sanford Siegal developed the diet after years of treating obesity patients. The No. 1 factor that wrecks diets is hunger, he said, so he wanted to create a product that would control that hunger.
"It started with a formula of amino acids that I put together," he said. "But, then, I needed a vehicle for it and a cookie was an obvious vehicle; something people like. Ladies carry it around in their purse. It doesn't require refrigeration. And Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet was born back there in 1975."
The very low, 1,000-calorie diet is designed to take weight off fast, the South Florida physician and author said.
"I know from experience that if the weight loss does not come up fast, they give up the diet," he said. "And, therefore, you don't accomplish anything."
But some experts see flaws in the diet.
"There is no credible evidence that the Cookie Diet actually helps people lose and maintain weight loss over a long period of time or that there is any health benefit from doing this," said Dr. Louis Aronne, director of the Comprehensive Weight Control Program at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City.
The Cookie Diet is missing good nutrition, he said.
"I am concerned that if someone were to follow this over the long term there are many different nutrients that they would be missing that you would normally get by eating regular food," he said.
Cookies Under the Microscope "Good Morning America" sent the cookies to a lab to see if they matched the nutrients listed on the label and, yes, the cookies are what they say they are.
But experts say what they are isn't sufficient.
"My response is that I have treated over a half million patients over a 34-year period with Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet," Siegal said. "I have yet to see the first case where anyone suffered any ill effect from eating a low-calorie diet. It just doesn't exist."
Obesity, he said, is much riskier than a very low calorie diet and that Cookie Diet customers take a daily multivitamin to assure good nutrition.
He never intended for the Cookie Diet to be a long-term program, he said.
But Raper, for one, has been on it for two years and doesn't know if or when she'll stop.
She's a size zero these days and no longer needs her fat pants.
I noticed flat belly diet pop up on the search engine trends this morning and decided to do a little research to see what this flat belly diet thing was all about. As it turns out, the flat belly diet was started by prevention magazine and consisted of a test which started out with 13 women. From there, the flat belly diet was developed.
The heart of the Flat Belly Diet plan seems to be what they are calling MUFA's which is simply mono-unsaturated fatty acids. MUFA's included in the flat belly diet include almonds, peanut butter, olive oil, avocado, even chocolate. The flat belly diet seems to indicate having a MUFA with every meal.
According to my reasearch, the Flat Belly Diet is a 32 day program which will reduce bloating and give you a "flat belly". Here is a sample meal plan of the Flat Belly Diet: Flat Belly Diet Sample Meals
Flat Belly Diet Breakfast
1 cup Rice Krispies with 1 cup skim milk 1/4 cup sunflower seeds 4 oz. pineapple tidbits in juice 1 glass of "Sassy" water
Flat Belly Diet Lunch
3 oz. chunk light tuna in water 1 cup steamed baby carrots 1 piece of light string cheese 1 glass of "Sassy" water
Flat Belly Diet Dinner
4 oz. grilled tilapia 1 cup steamed green beans 1/2 cup roasted red potatoes drizzled with olive oil 1 glass of "Sassy" water Flat Belly Diet Breakfast
Banana Waffle 1 frozen Lifestream Organic Flax Plus Waffle topped with 1/2 cup sliced banana and sprinkled with cinnamon, nutmeg, and 2 tbsp MUFA-rich pecans
Flat Belly Diet Lunch
Flat Belly Tacos 4 warm corn tortillas filled evenly with 1/2 cup micro waved Boca Ground Burger crumbles, and topped with 1/2 cup fresh baby spinach leaves, 1/4 cup salsa, and 1/4 cup MUFA-rich sliced avocado
Flat Belly Diet Dinner
Salmon Steak 3 oz. grilled wild Alaskan salmon served with 1 1/2 cups frozen Cascadian Farm Organic Cut Green Beans, steamed or microwave, and dressed with freshly ground white pepper and 2 tbsp MUFA-rich sliced almonds
A MUFA at Every Meal
What can do for you!
"A MUFA at every meal" is the Flat Belly mantra. But exactly what is this magical diet component -- and how does it contribute to weight loss?
MUFA (MOO-fah) is a term that nutritionists have been using for years. It stands for monounsaturated fatty acid, a type of heart-healthy, disease-fighting, "good" fat found in foods like , and have the exact opposite effect of the unhealthy saturated and trans fats you've heard about in the news. According to exciting new research, MUFAs can actually help you lose weight, specifically around your middle.
Numerous studies show that a diet rich in MUFAs is linked to a reduction in LDL cholesterol, the kind that clogs up arteries, and a boost in HDL, the kind that sweeps cholesterol out of the arteries and clears it from the body. They can also lower the risk of heart disease and improve insulin.
But there's even more good news! In addition to their health-giving properties, MUFAs are satisfying and delicious in and of themselves. Who doesn't love drizzling olive oil over a salad, or grabbing a handful of chocolate chips? And that's what makes the Flat Belly Diet difference, according to our diet testers. A MUFA at every meal, not only guarantees good health but leaves you feeling satisfied, not deprived.
I love Greek and Italian food, here is an interesting article on THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET. My personal favorite place to go to buy MEDITERRANEAN FOOD is BOSA FOODS
Mediterranean Diet and Snacks That Don't Make You Fat
Snacks and snack food have always played an important part in American food culture. Frozen treats like ice creams, candy and chocolate, sweet snacks, chips and salted snack, nuts, crackers, cookies and even small cakes – you name it, typical American will it for snack. Americans really enjoy their snacks which are produced to be inexpensive, accessible, easy to eat and durable. But not healthy. And fattening.
If you snack all the time and have an overweight problem, the easiest answer would be: try cutting out of the snacks to see what helps. But that’s easier said than done, isn’t it? So, what to do if you can’t go about your day without snacks?
Luckily, there is another solution. HEALTHY snacks. It's not about avoiding snacks; it's about choosing the right ones! If you consume chips, salted snacks, cookies and small cakes of course this snacks will make you fat! It is much better if you opt for fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains or some low fat dairy products (yogurt), because these snacks can contribute to a healthy diet.
Here are some of the best picks:
Low fat dairy products. Yogurt, cheese and other dairy products are full of calcium and protein, minerals and vitamins. Just be sure to choose the low fat versions of dairy products. Nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds provide your body with proteins; they are high in monounsaturated fat – a healthy kind of fat! Seeds and nuts are high in calories so don’t eat large quantities. Whole grains. Rich in fiber and will give you a lot of energy. Choose whole grain pretzels, crisp breads or low fat crackers Fruits and vegetables. Great source of vitamins, fibers and minerals, fruits and vegetables have no fat and only a small amount of calories, which makes them excellent snack food. Although consuming these snacks instead of your regular snacks can contribute to a healthy diet, even these snacks can also be a source of excess calories if not eaten in moderation!
Changing just your snacks will have a positive effect on your health, but will not be enough if your goal is to lose some extra weight. Keys to longer, healthier life are regular exercise and improvements in your diet, which can be easily achieved following Mediterranean Diet Weight Loss Plan.
Have you ever tried any Mediterranean snacks or diets? What would you recommend to others?
I am having trouble losing fat around my midsection. I have been working out for about 3 months now. I eat roughly 2500-3000 calories a day and was riding a bike for 40mins (150HR) plus doing about 15mins (3 different exercises 3 sets 15reps) of weights a day. I have started to run (15mins 170HR) now (still doing the weights) in an effort to increase my weight loss but have so far not seen any major results in the 3 weeks I have been doing this. I also do between 150-300 crunches a day. I am 26 years old, 6'3" and my current body weight is 225 pounds with a large frame. Any tips on how to get rid of the last few inches? In total I have shed about 20 pounds in the last few months. Thanks.
Hi there,
First off, congratulations on your weight loss!
I have a few tips for you that I know will help you lose those last few inches.
First off, you need to add more strength training to your routine. 15 minutes of strength training is not enough to gain significant strength and muscle. While cardio is great for your heart and to burn calories, it does not do much to increase lean muscle tissue. Muscle increases your metabolism, even while at rest, so you should work on building more of it.
Secondly, your workout routine must include core work. By this I don't mean crunches or sit ups, I mean functional core work, which will build stability and strength and prevent injury while you perform everyday activities as well as sports and strenuous exercise.
The core muscles work together to support your spine. Having good core stability means that the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen work together. There are countless ways to do this: do weight sets on a Bosu ball, use stability balls for chest routines, plank variations, push up variations, lunge variations, etc. Furthermore, introduce interval training, which combines strength training with quick burst of cardio activity between sets. This is a great way raise your heart rate and increase your stamina, but also burn tons of calories and reduces the amount of time you will need to spend doing cardio! If you are like most people, doing cardio on a machine is not the most exciting thing!
Since I'm not sure exactly what you are doing now in your routine, I suggest that you get the help of a knowledgeable trainer to create a workout routine that is based as much on strength as in functionality and injury prevention.
Here's an exercise that you can add to your routine:
Side oblique raise: Begin by lying on your right side. Now lift your torso off the ground and support yourself on your elbow. Shoulder and elbow should be in-line, elbow and wrist in-line. Your body should be in a straight line - hips up and pelvis forward, navel pulled into your spine. You can either stack your feet on top of each other or you can place one foot in front of the other. Inhale, and as you exhale, lower your hips down towards the ground. Just before your hips reach the ground, lift them back up and back to starting position. Pulse up and down for 10-15 reps each side.
This is a great exercise that helps build core strength and targets the obliques.
All the best with your fitness & health goals!
Daniela Nahas
Editor's note: Please consult your physician before starting any exercise program.
WEST AFRICAN MANGO EXTRACT which is derived from a WEST AFRICAN MANGO may help overweight people shed pounds and lower their cholesterol, a new study suggests.
The extract comes from Irvingia gabonensis, also known as AFRICAN MANGO, a fruit commonly eaten in West Africa. Lab research has shown that extracts from the plant's seed may inhibit body fat production, through effects on certain genes and enzymes that regulate metabolism.
For the current study, researchers at the University of Yaounde in Cameroon randomly assigned 102 overweight adults to take either the AFRICAN MANGO EXTRACT or a placebo twice a day for 10 weeks. The study participants did not follow any special diet and were told to maintain their normal exercise levels.
By the end of the study, the AFRICAN MANGO EXTRACT group had lost a significant amount of weight -- an average of roughly 28 pounds -- while the placebo group showed almost no change.
At the same time, the AFRICAN MANGO EXTRACT group showed declines in "bad" LDL cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Dr. Julius E. Oben and his colleagues report the findings in the online journal Lipids in Health and Disease. The Fairfield, California- based Gateway Health Alliances, Inc. supplied the Irvingia gabonensis extract and partially funded the research.
The study is the first well-controlled clinical trial of the AFRICAN MANGO EXTRACT'S effectiveness as a weight-loss aid, the researchers note. But the findings, they write, suggest that Irvingia gabonensis could offer a "useful tool" for battling the growing worldwide problem of obesity and its related ills.
A few patients on the AFRICAN MANGO EXTRACT reported side effects, including headaches, sleep problems and gas, but the rates were similar in the placebo group.
The findings, Oben's team concludes, should "provide impetus for much larger clinical studies."
A MACROBIOTIC DIET (or macrobiotics), from the Greek "macro" (large, long) and "bios" (life), is a dietary regimen that involves eating grains as a staple food supplemented with other foodstuffs such as vegetables and beans, and avoiding the use of highly processed or refined foods. Macrobiotics also address the manner of eating, by recommending against overeating, and requiring that food be chewed thoroughly before swallowing.
History of MACROBIOTIC DIET The earliest recorded use of the term macrobiotics is found in the writing of Hippocrates, the father of Western Medicine. In his essay 'Airs, Waters, and Places', Hippocrates introduced the word to describe people who were healthy and long-lived. Herodotus, Aristotle, Galen, and other classical writers used the term macrobiotics to describe a lifestyle, including a simple balanced diet, that promoted health and longevity.
According to MACROBIOTIC DIET proponents, the Macrobiotic methodology was utilized by many of the long-lived traditional cultures, such as the Incas, the Chinese in the Han Dynasty, etc. George Ohsawa drew from Asian and Japanese folk medicine to create his version of this philosophy of health.
George Ohsawa brought his teaching to Europe from Japan. Ohsawa was a Japanese philosopher, who was inspired to formalize macrobiotics by the teachings of Kaibara Ekiken, Andou Shōeki, Mizuno Namboku, and Sagen Ishizuka and his disciples Nishibata Manabu and Shojiro Goto.
Ohsawa took his macrobiotic teachings to North America in the late 1950s. Macrobiotic education was spread in the United States by his students Herman Aihara, Cornelia Aihara, Michael Abehsera, Michio Kushi and Aveline Kushi, and in turn by their students. Michio Kushi has been the most prominent of these teachers.
Ohsawa coined the term for a natural way of living, macrobiotics, in the late 1950s. Macrobiotics, from the ancient Greek language, means the way of longevity. This term has been used by many authors in describing longevity teachings from the Far East.
"Whole foods, such as brown rice, are central to a MACROBIOTIC DIET, and many of the first customers and owners of the alternative food stores were students of macrobiotics. In the 20th century, influential teachers emerged, such as the Kushis (who immigrated to the United States from Japan after World War II), who distilled the wide-ranging ideas and interpreted them for modern, urban, and industrialized life."
Philosophy of the MACROBIOTIC DIET Followers of the macrobiotic approach believe that food and food quality powerfully affect health, well-being, and happiness, and that a MACROBIOTIC DIET has more beneficial effects than others. The macrobiotic approach suggests choosing food that is less processed.
One goal of macrobiotics is to become sensitive to the actual effects of foods on health and well-being, rather than to follow dietary rules and regulations. Dietary guidelines, however, help in developing sensitivity and an intuitive sense for what sustains health and well-being.
Macrobiotics emphasizes locally grown whole grain cereals, pulses (legumes), vegetables, seaweed, fermented soy products and fruit, combined into meals according to the principle of balance (known as yin and yang). Whole grains and whole-grain products such as brown rice and buckwheat pasta (soba), a variety of cooked and raw vegetables, beans and bean products, mild natural seasonings, fish, nuts and seeds, mild (non-stimulating) beverages such as bancha twig tea and fruit are recommended.
Nightshade vegetables, including tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplant; also spinach, beets and avocados are not recommended, or used sparingly at most, in macrobiotic cooking, as they are considered extremely yin.[citation needed] Some MACROBIOTIC DIET practitioners also discourage the use of nightshades due to the alkaloid solanine, thought to affect calcium balance.
Composition of the MACROBIOTIC DIET
Some basic macrobiotic ingredients Macrobiotics is considered an approach to life rather than a diet. Some general guidelines for the diet are the following (it is also said that a macrobiotic diet varies greatly depending on geographical and life circumstances):
Well chewed whole cereal grains, especially brown rice: 25-30% Vegetables: 30-40% Beans and legumes: 5-10 % Miso soup: 5% Traditionally or naturally processed foods: 5-10% The remainder is composed of fish and seafood, seeds and nuts, seed and nut butters, seasonings, sweeteners, fruits, and beverages. Other naturally raised animal products may be included if needed during dietary transition or according to individual needs.
MACROBIOTIC DIET Cooking according to the time of the year In spring:
food with a lighter quality wild plants, germs, lightly fermented food, grain species, fresh greens light cooking style: steaming, cooking for a short time, etc. In summer:
food with lighter quality large-leaved greens, sweet corn, fruit, summer pumpkins light cooking style: steaming, quick cooking, etc. More raw foods lighter grains, such as barley, bulghur, and couscous In autumn:
food with more concentrated quality root vegetables, (winter) pumpkins, beans, cereals, etc. heavier grains such as sweet rice, mochi and millet In winter:
food with a stronger, more concentrated quality round vegetables, pickles, root vegetables, etc. more miso, shoyu, oil, and salt heavier grains such as millet, buckwheat, fried rice, etc.
Yin and yang content of foods MACROBIOTIC DIET follows the principle of balance (called balancing yin and yang in China).
Macrobiotics holds that some foods are overstimulating and can exhaust the body and mind. These are classified as extreme yin (stimulating) in their effects: Sugar Alcohol Honey Coffee Chocolate Refined flour products Very hot spices Drugs Chemicals and preservatives Commercial milk, yogurt and soft cheeses Poor quality vegetable oils Foods that are considered to be concentrated, heavy and dense create stagnation. These have yang (strengthening, but stagnating effects if over-consumed).
Poultry Meat Eggs Refined salt Foods that create balance are whole grains, vegetables, beans, sea vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds. Foods such as these are used in a macrobiotic way of eating.
Some MACROBIOTIC DIET followers will combine strongly yin and yang foods together to create balanced dishes.
Other factors of the MACROBIOTIC DIET The composition of dishes and the choices of foods is adjusted according to
the season the climate activity gender age health condition transition in one's diet and any other personal considerations.
Japanese popularity and influence The macrobiotic way of eating is thought to be Japanese. During the Edo period in Japan peasants were not allowed to eat meat and had a diet of primarily rice and soy bean to get their protein. According to MACROBIOTIC DIET advocates, a majority of the world population in the past ate a diet based primarily on grains, vegetables, and other plants. Because macrobiotics is popular in Japan, and many of its popular teachers are Japanese, Japanese foods that are beneficial for health are incorporated by most modern macrobiotic eaters. Some macrobiotic ingredients are also standard ingredients in Japanese cuisine.
There is also a Chinese form of macrobiotics called the Ch'ang Ming or Long Life diet which is very similar to the Japanese system but based upon the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Chinese macrobiotics According to Chee Soo in his book published by HarperCollins in 1982 - "The Tao of Long Life", natural dietary therapy or "Ch'ang Ming" has been developed in China since pre-historic times along with a range of health arts that have become what we now know as Traditional Chinese Medicine. As early as 3000 BCE there are dietary recommendations which can be found in the Neijing or Yellow Emperor's Classic of internal medicine. This pre-dates the advent of macrobiotics in Japan and supports the idea that Japanese macrobiotics was developed from these earlier studies.
MACROBIOTIC DIET vs. veganism A macrobiotic diet includes many of the same foods as vegan diets, but in macrobiotics certain animal foods are suggested. The two dietary styles share enough similarities that a vegan version of the MACROBIOTIC DIET is not uncommon. Macrobiotics is based on traditional ways of eating. While there are no completely vegan cultures that are long-lived, the longest-lived cultures around the world consume between 70% and 99% whole plant foods. John Robbins, a well-known vegan advocate, pointed this out in his recent book, Healthy at 100. The American Dietetic Association approves of carefully-planned vegan diets. In the words of the Association, "Well-planned vegan and other types of vegetarian diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including during pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence.... It is the position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada that appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases." However, as part of their dietary guidelines, the association recommend that healthy adults eat lean meat, poultry, fish or beans each day, as lean meat has many essential nutrients without excess fat or cholesterol.
Macrobiotics and cancer Macrobiotics has long been advocated by some as a preventative and cure for cancer. Michio Kushi's book "The Cancer Prevention Diet" outlines the fundamental philosophy for the diet and cancer prevention. There is evidence that a diet high in whole grains and vegetables and possibly low in saturated fat, red meat, and preserved meat products can help to prevent many types of cancer. A study at the University of Tulane conducted by James P. Carter and others[8] reported significant improvement in cancer patient longevity (177 months compared to 91 months) when patients practiced the macrobiotic diet, although an analysis of "Complementary and Alternative Medical Therapies for Cancer" stated about this paper "Scientific evidence on the potential benefits of macrobiotic diets for patients with cancer is limited to two retrospective studies with serious methodologic flaws". Despite anecdotal reports to the contrary reported in "Unconventional Cancer Treatments" medical professionals do not consider that there is evidence that a macrobiotic diet is useful as a cure for cancer. The American Cancer Society strongly urges people with cancer not to use a dietary program as an exclusive or primary means of treatment; and many long-term practitioners of the diet, including Michio Kushi's wife Aveline and daughter Lilly, died of cancer. Michio Kushi himself developed cancer and had a tumour removed surgically from his intestines, although he now appears to be well. Macrobiotic teacher Cecile Levin, and Anthony J. Sattilaro, author of Recalled by Life, also died of cancer.
Some cancer sufferers, especially in the United States, follow the MACROBIOTIC DIET, believing that it will cure or help their disease. Many others turn to macrobiotics in the belief that it will strengthen their physical and mental well-being and quality of life, combining macrobiotic practices with Western and Eastern medicine.
Nutrition and the MACROBIOTIC DIET According to the Standard American Diet, those following an alternative diet regimen should consider the following information. Detailed information on the nutrients provided by a very large range of foodstuffs is available in the USDA National Nutrient Database.
The following nutrients should be monitored especially in children, due to their importance in facilitating growth and function: calcium, protein, iron, zinc, vitamin D, vitamin B12, riboflavin, vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids and energy.All are available in properly planned macrobiotic diets.
Humans synthesise vitamin D with adequate exposure to sunlight; supplementation may be necessary during winter months for people who live far from the equator. Calcium is available from hard leafy greens, nuts and seeds. Zinc is available from nuts and seeds. Fish provides vitamin B12 in a macrobiotic diet, but bioavailable B12 analogues have not been established in any natural plant food, including sea vegetables, soya, fermented products, and algae. Although plant-derived foods do not naturally contain B12, some are fortified during processing with added B12 and other nutrients. Vitamin A, in the form of beta-carotene, is abundant in macrobiotic diets. Adequate protein is available from grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and bean products. Sources of Omega-3 fatty acids are discussed in the relevant article, and include soy products, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds and fatty fish. Riboflavin along with most other B vitamins are abundant in whole grains. Iron in the form of non-heme iron in beans, sea vegetables and leafy greens is sufficient for good health; detailed information is in the USDA database.
In 1967 the Journal of the American Medical Association published a detailed report of a case of scurvy and malnutrition induced by strict adherence to a restrictive MACROBIOTIC DIET. In 1971 the AMA Council on Foods and Nutrition said that followers of the diet, particularly the strictest, stood in "great danger" of malnutrition [JAMA 218:397, 1971].
Smoking and tobacco Leaders of macrobiotics like Michio Kushi and George Ohsawa smoked cigarettes and encouraged the use of tobacco, claiming that the practice was not harmful, and could in fact be a valuable treatment for various lung ailments.
The Kushi Institute of Europe Encyclopedia web page states:
Michio Kushi asserts that dairy food and other fatty, mucous-producing, and sticky foods are the primary cause of lung cancer and other smoke-related problems, trapping tar and other tobacco particulates in the lungs and other organs
Many contemporary people who practice macrobiotics are critical of smoking. Some now claim that tobacco should be avoided because, like tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants, it is a variety of nightshade. Even so, Kushi's son Phiya Kushi, had the following to say in on the occasions of Kushi's operation for colon surgery in 2004:
...I would like to mention publicly, having obtained Michio's permission, that in spite of years of his smoking, a fact well-known to many, recent x-rays of Michio's lungs were surprisingly clean, like that of a twenty year old (remarked his physician). This is not meant to be validation of cigarette smoking, but rather an invitation to question, in the spirit of non-credo, "proven" or "predictable" scientific facts (what system logic do you use as evidence?). Furthermore, the Caraka Samhita, ancient text from India's "Father Of Medicine" recommends smoking as curative measure for various symptoms. Again, this is not meant to be in defense of Michio's word's, cigarette smoking or an invalidation of "proven" facts of the "dangers" of smoking or corn oil or whatever the item may be but rather an invitation to be open minded about all possibilities, no matter how improbable or outlandish.
The PRITIKIN DIET is a very low-fat, primarily vegetarian diet that is based on whole grains, fruits and vegetables that results in improved cardiovascular health as well as weight loss.
The PRITIKIN DIET was developed as a means to treat heart disease; weight loss is an additional benefit. Processed foods such as pasta and white bread, animal proteins, eggs and most types of fats are eliminated in favor of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. The revised PRITIKIN DIET encourages the use of "healthy" fats high in omega-3 fatty acids, in limited amounts.
Upside of the Pritikin Diet
Healthy food combinations of less fats and more fruits, vegetables, grains. No portion control with these healthy foods. Good for heart health in addition to weight loss.
Downside of the Pritikin Diet
Low-fat diets may be unsatisfying and can lead to overeating. Many people cannot cut down on certain food groups as much as the PRITIKIN DIET requires. The recommended foods are not convenient for people who dine out a lot. This fiber-rich diet can produce a lot of gas.
Sample Pritikin Menu
A day on the PRITIKIN DIET might look like this:
Oatmeal with mango Nonfat yogurt Grapefruit Half a cup of sodium-free vegetable juice
Barley-bean soup Tomato stuffed with tuna Skim milk
Tofu and mixed vegetables lightly sautéed in a little olive oil Brown rice or millet Green salad Peach
Vegetables and fruits Rye crackers or other whole grains
For more on the PRITIKIN DIET Check out these books