According to a little reasearch, Qnexa is a combination of two approved prescription drugs. One is a diet drug and the other is for migraine relief.
Aside from QNEXA, two other Diet Pills are being investigated. Lorcaserin Hydrochloride works on your brain chemistry and Contrave, is a combination of two drugs used as anti-depressants and to fight alcohol addiction.
"This is an exciting time because we have an epidemic of obesity and we have very few options for treatment available. The expected weight loss with these type of drugs would be 10 percent of the initial weight. By controlling impulse control, by controlling compulsiveness, we have a patient who has difficulty staying on the diet because it's hard with the hunger and the habit. So these drugs in theory will address those issues and hopefully will have better results." said Dr. Jorge Vazquez of Allegheny General Hospital.
Now here is the kicker, although Vazquez believes the direction these drugs are going could make a dent in the obesity epidemic QNEXA and its' counterparts are not the be all and end all in weight loss. "There's a diet component and an exercise component, so these drugs are not designed to be used alone. They are designed to be used with behavior modification and an exercise program," says Vazquez. So for those of you thinking you can sit on your ass, pop a few pills and burn off the weight, think again.
QNEXA and its' counterparts are simply designed to give you the will to stop gorging, if that is in fact your problem. If, on the other hand, you already have control of your eating and you still cannot loose weight, you may want to look at some sort of exercise program. The key is boosting your metabolic rate so your body is abole to burn off the excess fat. Vazquez is also concerned that some people may try to misuse the drugs if they only need to lose 5 pounds. And don't ask your doctor for them now. It will be at least a year before any of those drugs hit the market.
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