Just an interesting article I found online
Ultimately, the key to steady weight loss is to burn the fat that is stored in various parts of the body at a regular pace. But how do you burn the fat when it seems so rigidly in place?
Fad diets that consist of counting calories in a variety of different ways only last as long as you are "on" them. Once you stop, annoyingly, so too does the weight loss. Even more frustrating, is the fact that many times, a year down the track, not only have you put back the weight you originally lost, but you have added to it as well!
Tasty slimming shakes and specially prepared foods don't burn the bodyfat stores either, they simply reduce your calorie intake. Again, as soon as you stop taking them, your weight loss stops too.
Changing the way you eat can help reduce the calories, contributing to weight loss, but again, don't burn the fat stores that you need to in order to regain the shape you desire. Simply eliminating the fat in foods doesn't necessarily mean that you will eliminate the fat on you. In fact, some fats are good for you - such as those found in fish, nuts, olives, and seeds.
So what is the key to weight loss and looking great? What is the secret to managing not to move, but to burn the fat that you have found so hard to shift until now? I'll tell you. Metabolism.
By speeding up your metabolism, your body will automatically burn the fat stores gradually and evenly all over your body, resulting in a steady weight loss and returning it to the state it once was.
Since it is not possible to choose one particular place on your body with extra fat such as the hips, thighs, stomach, or bum and just burn the bodyfat from the stores in those areas, it's necessary for you to do an overall job , on the whole body.
In order to speed up your metabolism, and lose weight, you need to exercise. Although there are two types of exercise - anaerobic and aerobic, the latter has the advantage that it will continue to burn the fat stores even after you stop exercising.
The longer and harder you have been exercising, the longer your body will continue to burn the fatstores for, adding to your weight loss even if you are doing nothing but watching TV! You do aerobic exercise when you walk, swim, or cycle.
Weightlifting falls into a slightly different category. Although it does not increase your metabolism, it is an activity that will burn the fat through increasing your lean muscle. In fact, for every extra pound of muscle you put on, you will burn 40-50 more calories, so it's an excellent exercise for weightloss!
Ironically, eat! To aid weight loss and burn the bodyfat stores on your body, you need to kick-start your metabolism, which slows down when you don't eat, particularly overnight. So a big breakfast is very important.
Eating little and often - around 6 times a day - will also help to maintain a higher metabolism helping your body burn calories, resulting in weight loss.
That said, it's also important to watch what you eat. weight loss never occurs when you eat loads of deep-fried, sugary, and convenience foods which are high in fat and low in nutrition. Try instead to go for foods that are high in fibre , such as spinach or bran , and limit toxins such as alcohol, sweets, and caffeine. Also, drink lots of water, around 8 glasses each day.
Apart from the weight loss and shaping of your body, an increased metabolism also provides you with more energy.
So what are you waiting for? Burn the fat, lose weight and feel great the natural way!
Get in touch with the industry experts at http://www.weightlossfatburnersecrets.com for more help. Steve Magill has written several articles with regard to the weightloss business. As a Fellow in the (FBAE) he is considered an expert consultant when it comes to helping people to lose weight.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Magill
Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Agave sweetener - the new sugar
I just stumbled on some info about Agave nectar as a sweetener. Unlike Aspartame and all the other crap, this is natural. Actually made from the Agave cactus (Same as tequila) and is quite abit sweeter than refined sugar. Here is some info I dug up.
Only recently has Agave come into use as a sweetener, north of Mexico. It has a low glycemic index level and is a delicious and safe alternative to table sugar. To learn about the Glycemic Index Level CLICK HERE. Unlike the crystalline form of fructose, which is refined primarily from corn, Agave Nectar is sweet in its natural form and is therefore much easier for the body to process and use.
This nectar does not contain processing chemicals. Even better, because it is sweeter than table sugar, less is needed in your recipes and meals.
It can be most useful for people who are diabetic, have insulin resistance (Type II, non-insulin dependant) or are simply watching their carbohydrate intake.
What is the Glycemic Index?
Not all carbohydrate foods are created equal, in fact they behave quite differently in our bodies. The glycemic index or (GI) describes this difference by ranking carbohydrates according to their effect on our blood glucose levels. Choosing low GI carbs - the ones that produce only small fluctuations in our blood glucose and insulin levels - is the secret to long-term health reducing your risk of heart disease and diabetes and is the key to sustainable weight loss.
Glycemic Rating of SUGARS (G.I)
Agave Nectar 27
Safe For Diabetics <55
Honey 83
High fructose corn syrup 89
Sucrose 92
Glucose 137
Glucose tablets 146
Maltodextrin 150
Maltose 150
What are the Benefits of the Glycemic Index?
Eating a lot of high GI foods can be detrimental to your health because it pushes your body to extremes. This is especially true if you are overweight and sedentary. Switching to eating mainly low GI carbs that slowly trickle glucose into your blood stream keeps your energy levels balanced and means you will feel fuller for longer between meals.
Low GI diets help people lose and control weight
Low GI diets increase the body's sensitivity to insulin
Low GI carbs improve diabetes control
Low GI carbs reduce the risk of heart disease
Low GI carbs reduce blood cholesterol levels
Low GI carbs can help you manage the symptoms of PCOS
Low GI carbs reduce hunger and keep you fuller for longer
Low GI carbs prolong physical endurance
High GI carbs help re-fuel carbohydrate stores after exercise
How to Switch to a Low GI Diet?
You don't need to count numbers or do any sort of mental arithmetic to make sure you are eating a healthy, low GI diet.
The basic technique for eating the low GI way is simply a "this for that" approach - ie, swapping high GI carbs for low GI carbs.
Use breakfast cereals based on oats, barley and bran
Use breads with wholegrains, stone-ground flour, sour dough
Reduce refined sugars and artificial sweeteners
Enjoy all other types of fruit and vegetables
Use Basmati or Doongara rice
Enjoy pasta, noodles, etc Eat plenty of salad vegetables with a vinaigrette dressing
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Vancouver 2010 Olympic Mascots
a couple of days ago VANOC released the Mascots. Release a whole pile of contrevercy, actually. Comments were fast an furious, some pointed out other meanings for the chosen names. These included Urban dictionary's definition of Muk Muk as Semen. Another series of comments rotated around the meaning of Quatchi having something to do with horniness or sexual excitement http://www.definition-of.com/Quatchi.
Honestly, I really don't know what to think about these little creatures. On one side, yes they do appeal to the children, on the other, they have absolutely nothing within them resembling Canada. Sure the graphic designer says they are influenced by Native Indian Culture. I, however, feel they look more like a cross between Hello Kitty and Japanese Anime - PokeKitty as a fellow blogger indicated - http://shitfourbrains.blogspot.com/. I don't know if I would go as far as he did, however I am definately not a fan of the look. I do like Muk Muk though.
Honestly, I really don't know what to think about these little creatures. On one side, yes they do appeal to the children, on the other, they have absolutely nothing within them resembling Canada. Sure the graphic designer says they are influenced by Native Indian Culture. I, however, feel they look more like a cross between Hello Kitty and Japanese Anime - PokeKitty as a fellow blogger indicated - http://shitfourbrains.blogspot.com/. I don't know if I would go as far as he did, however I am definately not a fan of the look. I do like Muk Muk though.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Weight Loss Program – Is It Beneficial
Just a little thing I found which may be helpful.
If you are reading this article, then most probably you are overweight and planning to start a weight loss program. There are many weight loss programs out there that have been beneficial for many and there are many that have caused more problems than benefits. So, when you embark on a weight loss program, consult experts and make sure that the program will suit your body.
The best part about most weight loss programs is that you will most certainly lose weight if you follow the regimen to the ‘T’. However, the difficult part is maintaining the weight, as people tend to put on weight fast after discontinuing a weight loss program.
It is advised that you consult a health expert or dietician before you start a weight loss program. A weight loss program that is beneficial for one person may not be suitable for another. The metabolism of each individual varies. Do not jump at weight loss programs that advertise fast weight loss as it could prove to be harmful. The right weight loss program will assist you in losing 2-3 pounds a week and not more. If you are able to consistently lose 2 pounds a week for a few weeks, you will not only be a lot thinner and fit, you will most certainly stay that way.
Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit http://www.askaquery.com/Answers/qn1636.html
If you are reading this article, then most probably you are overweight and planning to start a weight loss program. There are many weight loss programs out there that have been beneficial for many and there are many that have caused more problems than benefits. So, when you embark on a weight loss program, consult experts and make sure that the program will suit your body.
The best part about most weight loss programs is that you will most certainly lose weight if you follow the regimen to the ‘T’. However, the difficult part is maintaining the weight, as people tend to put on weight fast after discontinuing a weight loss program.
It is advised that you consult a health expert or dietician before you start a weight loss program. A weight loss program that is beneficial for one person may not be suitable for another. The metabolism of each individual varies. Do not jump at weight loss programs that advertise fast weight loss as it could prove to be harmful. The right weight loss program will assist you in losing 2-3 pounds a week and not more. If you are able to consistently lose 2 pounds a week for a few weeks, you will not only be a lot thinner and fit, you will most certainly stay that way.
Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit http://www.askaquery.com/Answers/qn1636.html
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Weider Hoodia - cut the crap
OK, so maybe the title is a little brazen. Thing is, I got up a little earlier this morning and found myself fairly hungry before breakfast. So I figured this was the perfect opportunity to try one of the Hoodia pills everyone was talking about.
I should preface this by saying my weight issue has more to do with a lack of activity. I generally do not over-eat I just need to get out to keep my metabolism up.
I took the pill a 2 1/2 hours ago with a glass of water. So far, I am still as hungry as I was before. I looked at the bottle and it states guaranteed pure from South Africa, however nothing about a quality guarantee. Interesting.
I should preface this by saying my weight issue has more to do with a lack of activity. I generally do not over-eat I just need to get out to keep my metabolism up.
I took the pill a 2 1/2 hours ago with a glass of water. So far, I am still as hungry as I was before. I looked at the bottle and it states guaranteed pure from South Africa, however nothing about a quality guarantee. Interesting.
appetite suppressant,
diet pills,
weight loss
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
exercising in the winter
Now that the rain is here (for 10 more months) the thought of going for a morning walk has become less appealing. Good news is, there is a local community centre with a pool and exercise bikes right around the corner. I also picked up one of these exercise bikes and love it.
I also joined a Kundalini Yoga class and love it
This is a great way to beat the winter Seasonally adjusted disorder (SAD) blahs that are so common in the rainy climates. So how does everyone else cope?
I also joined a Kundalini Yoga class and love it
This is a great way to beat the winter Seasonally adjusted disorder (SAD) blahs that are so common in the rainy climates. So how does everyone else cope?
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Open post section
I just realised people couldn't just start a new blog, so this is the place to post a comment on anything. I can then move it to its own blog roll.
You can talk about anything in here. Maybe you are feeling a little quatchi and need to talk about it... After all, we all get those sexual desires. Just because you are overweight it shouldn't mean you don't get that little quatchi feeling every once in awhile.
Love Michelle
I just realised people couldn't just start a new blog, so this is the place to post a comment on anything. I can then move it to its own blog roll.
You can talk about anything in here. Maybe you are feeling a little quatchi and need to talk about it... After all, we all get those sexual desires. Just because you are overweight it shouldn't mean you don't get that little quatchi feeling every once in awhile.
Love Michelle
Low fat Strawberry Crunch - Recipe
Oh how I love strawberries
2 small strawberry sugar free jello (boxes)
1 cup boiling water
4 cups unsweeted strawberries, sliced
1 cup crushed pineapple, drained
3 mashed bananas
1/3 cup pecans
1/2 cup nonfat plain yogurt
Mix jello and boiling water until dissolved. Add fruit and mix. Add nuts. Pour 1/2 mixture in 9×13 pan and reserve remaining mixture at room temperature. Chill mixture in pan for 1 hour. Spread yogurt on top of chilled mixture, then top with remaining mixture. Chill until firm.
serves 12, 84 calories, 2 grams fiber, 2 grams fat
2 small strawberry sugar free jello (boxes)
1 cup boiling water
4 cups unsweeted strawberries, sliced
1 cup crushed pineapple, drained
3 mashed bananas
1/3 cup pecans
1/2 cup nonfat plain yogurt
Mix jello and boiling water until dissolved. Add fruit and mix. Add nuts. Pour 1/2 mixture in 9×13 pan and reserve remaining mixture at room temperature. Chill mixture in pan for 1 hour. Spread yogurt on top of chilled mixture, then top with remaining mixture. Chill until firm.
serves 12, 84 calories, 2 grams fiber, 2 grams fat
Should Employers Be Able to Charge You for Being Overweight
Something I found online.
Any thoughts?
Overweight? Prepare to Pay Up
Should Employers Be Able to Charge You for Being Overweight?
Aug. 10, 2007
With health-care costs rising, some large employers are taking radical new steps to cut corners: They're charging overweight employees a fee if they don't slim down.
It's a strategy companies have used for years with smokers, which has many people wondering whether these heavy-handed employer tactics are a sign of things to come.
It's not necessarily the wave of the future. While controlling costs is paramount for any business, the happiness and morale of its work force are also quite relevant. There are many people who believe that when employers start requiring weigh-ins and cholesterol checks, they've gone way too far.
So the issues of employee loyalty/satisfaction and privacy concerns, combined with some serious legal challenges, given the protection afforded to employees in the Americans with Disabilities Act which says that employers can't discriminate on the basis of health will be cause for concern among employers before they rush out to adopt this stance.
It's no secret that skyrocketing health-care costs are of concern to employers and employees alike. Each of us is paying for it, and our bosses are too. We'd all like to save money. But it's more than just obesity and smoking that contribute to those enormous premiums, which leads to several questions.
How far can or should an employer go? Do you penalize an employee with breast cancer because her treatment costs are astronomical? What about someone with a brain tumor or a skin disorder? Do you monitor alcohol intake to determine whether employees are showing up hungover and therefore aren't as productive as sober people?
Reward Versus Punishment
In theory, anything an employer can do to help its work force to be healthy is great and should be perceived as great often a blessing in disguise even if it is motivated by business needs, not necessarily the health and welfare of its people.
That said, there are many critics who say punishment through financial penalties is not a sound solution and that rewards are often much more successful. Not only do incentives boost morale, but they achieve the desired results. Not long ago we focused on companies that were investing in health and wellness programs and challenges and the management was thrilled with the results.
In fact, a recent survey found that when major corporations took the time to measure their return on investment for health and wellness incentive programs, more than 75 percent said it was greater than breaking even.
Slippery Slope?
Many critics worry that employers could get too familiar with our private lives and our personal relationships. And indeed many already are. Last month we introduced "Good Morning America" viewers to the growing trend of workplace chaplains on-site clergy who minister to employees, mainly about personal issues that range from marital woes to coping with a family member's illness.
There are other companies that are now introducing forms of marriage counseling. The theory is that when your home life is a wreck or you're worried that your spouse is cheating, you bring those fears to work and it impacts your performance. So it behooves an employer to offer on-site seminars on improving relationships and maintaining healthy marriages because happy individuals make happy employees.
But in the end, most people say the buck's got to stop somewhere with a healthy balance between controlling costs while allowing employees to maintain their personal privacy as well.
Tory Johnson is the workplace contributor on "Good Morning America" and the CEO of Women for Hire. Connect with her at www.womenforhire.com
Copyright © 2007 ABC News Internet Ventures
Any thoughts?
Overweight? Prepare to Pay Up
Should Employers Be Able to Charge You for Being Overweight?
Aug. 10, 2007
With health-care costs rising, some large employers are taking radical new steps to cut corners: They're charging overweight employees a fee if they don't slim down.
It's a strategy companies have used for years with smokers, which has many people wondering whether these heavy-handed employer tactics are a sign of things to come.
It's not necessarily the wave of the future. While controlling costs is paramount for any business, the happiness and morale of its work force are also quite relevant. There are many people who believe that when employers start requiring weigh-ins and cholesterol checks, they've gone way too far.
So the issues of employee loyalty/satisfaction and privacy concerns, combined with some serious legal challenges, given the protection afforded to employees in the Americans with Disabilities Act which says that employers can't discriminate on the basis of health will be cause for concern among employers before they rush out to adopt this stance.
It's no secret that skyrocketing health-care costs are of concern to employers and employees alike. Each of us is paying for it, and our bosses are too. We'd all like to save money. But it's more than just obesity and smoking that contribute to those enormous premiums, which leads to several questions.
How far can or should an employer go? Do you penalize an employee with breast cancer because her treatment costs are astronomical? What about someone with a brain tumor or a skin disorder? Do you monitor alcohol intake to determine whether employees are showing up hungover and therefore aren't as productive as sober people?
Reward Versus Punishment
In theory, anything an employer can do to help its work force to be healthy is great and should be perceived as great often a blessing in disguise even if it is motivated by business needs, not necessarily the health and welfare of its people.
That said, there are many critics who say punishment through financial penalties is not a sound solution and that rewards are often much more successful. Not only do incentives boost morale, but they achieve the desired results. Not long ago we focused on companies that were investing in health and wellness programs and challenges and the management was thrilled with the results.
In fact, a recent survey found that when major corporations took the time to measure their return on investment for health and wellness incentive programs, more than 75 percent said it was greater than breaking even.
Slippery Slope?
Many critics worry that employers could get too familiar with our private lives and our personal relationships. And indeed many already are. Last month we introduced "Good Morning America" viewers to the growing trend of workplace chaplains on-site clergy who minister to employees, mainly about personal issues that range from marital woes to coping with a family member's illness.
There are other companies that are now introducing forms of marriage counseling. The theory is that when your home life is a wreck or you're worried that your spouse is cheating, you bring those fears to work and it impacts your performance. So it behooves an employer to offer on-site seminars on improving relationships and maintaining healthy marriages because happy individuals make happy employees.
But in the end, most people say the buck's got to stop somewhere with a healthy balance between controlling costs while allowing employees to maintain their personal privacy as well.
Tory Johnson is the workplace contributor on "Good Morning America" and the CEO of Women for Hire. Connect with her at www.womenforhire.com
Copyright © 2007 ABC News Internet Ventures
diet pills,
weight discrimination,
weight loss
Friday, September 14, 2007
Diet Pills... The good the bad and the Ugly...
I know I have my opinions but of course there may be others. Any experiences anyone would like to share?
Good Morning
It is just after 6AM and I am up. I just finished taking a walk around the block. Since loosing all this weight I have been feeling so much better about myself. I know I still have a ways to go and this battle with obesity is far from over but I do feel good and that is what is important.
Since this is such a new Blog, I figured I needed to promote it a little bit so after talking to a web person I know I decided to post a few free ads on Craigslist. After all a community isn't a community without people in it. If you have just stumble upon this, welcome and thank you for coming. Please feel free to contribute, and tell others. The more the merrier.
Since this is such a new Blog, I figured I needed to promote it a little bit so after talking to a web person I know I decided to post a few free ads on Craigslist. After all a community isn't a community without people in it. If you have just stumble upon this, welcome and thank you for coming. Please feel free to contribute, and tell others. The more the merrier.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Good Morning,
My name is Michelle and I was fat.... OK so I still struggle with weight issues, however I am over the biggest hump of it all.
Aside from the effect my weight had on my mobility and of course the social stigma us plus sized women go through, the part I really hated the most was all the Bullsh!t advertising and false hope mongering of these psuedo professionals. So many drugs, so many diets, From Atkins, Weightwatchers, Jenny Craig, LA Weightloss, Hoodia, and various other forms of speed - Come on people, the weight problem is not in my wallet... in fact it is rather Anorexic as far as wallets go - My purse on the other hand :)
So now onto the purpose of my rambling. Since overcoming the largest part if my weight loss I realised there needs to be some community support out there. Not the false kind which offer drug store solutions to lifestyle issues or those who pretent to care - so long as you pay for a membership. I'm talking about real support, support that comes from the heart without expectations of pecuinary reward. Yes I have a weight problem, yes I am dealing with it, no I don't want to empty my wallet any further for some false profit.
So let's talk. This is a blog to share experiences, successes and shortfalls. What has worked for you and what hasn't. Come on men and women together, lets unite and fight the battle of the bulge together.
PS I always hate it when programs and people state statistics. Yes I have lost a substantial amount of weight. I will not go into the exact figure because it is all relative. All humans are unique, as are their metabolism's. A number is just a number, how you feel is the important part and I FEEL GREAT!!!
My name is Michelle and I was fat.... OK so I still struggle with weight issues, however I am over the biggest hump of it all.
Aside from the effect my weight had on my mobility and of course the social stigma us plus sized women go through, the part I really hated the most was all the Bullsh!t advertising and false hope mongering of these psuedo professionals. So many drugs, so many diets, From Atkins, Weightwatchers, Jenny Craig, LA Weightloss, Hoodia, and various other forms of speed - Come on people, the weight problem is not in my wallet... in fact it is rather Anorexic as far as wallets go - My purse on the other hand :)
So now onto the purpose of my rambling. Since overcoming the largest part if my weight loss I realised there needs to be some community support out there. Not the false kind which offer drug store solutions to lifestyle issues or those who pretent to care - so long as you pay for a membership. I'm talking about real support, support that comes from the heart without expectations of pecuinary reward. Yes I have a weight problem, yes I am dealing with it, no I don't want to empty my wallet any further for some false profit.
So let's talk. This is a blog to share experiences, successes and shortfalls. What has worked for you and what hasn't. Come on men and women together, lets unite and fight the battle of the bulge together.
PS I always hate it when programs and people state statistics. Yes I have lost a substantial amount of weight. I will not go into the exact figure because it is all relative. All humans are unique, as are their metabolism's. A number is just a number, how you feel is the important part and I FEEL GREAT!!!
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